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Green Flag

Green Flag

Our resorts are an award-winning children’s paradise: the beaches of Cervia fly the Green Flag again in 2024

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The beaches of Cervia, paradise for children’s holidays, have been awarded the Green Flag again this year by the Italian and European paediatricians, committed to choosing the best Italian beaches and resorts for families and children.

For the 15th year, the beaches of Cervia, Milano Marittima, Cervia, Pinarella and Tagliata, have been awarded the Green Flag.
They are also known as “child-friendly” beaches, having obtained a Green Flag, the recognition devised by Prof. Italo Farnetani, university professor of paediatrics and chairman of the International Workshop of Green Flags, in association with the Italian Society of Paediatrics.
Seaside resorts with characteristics suitable for children, selected through an investigation conducted by a pool of 2949 Italian and European paediatricians, first in Italy, then - since a couple of years - extended to the eropean and international beaches.
In Cervia, Milano Marittima, Pinarella and Tagliata the green Flag has been flying since 2010.

What characteristics are needed to be awarded the Green Flag?


Cervia, green flag beachesPrimarily, the beaches of the resorts must be very wide, equipped with sufficiently spaced-out umbrellas and equipment dedicated to younger kids.
Special attention is given to the sand composition, which must be fine and slope gently to the sea, characterised by shallow, clean and clear waters.
The beach must also have a team of rescuers and lifeguards in case of emergencies.

There is also the possibility of playing on the beach next to the parents, and care that the water does not become deep already at the shore and abruptly.

A “green-flag” resort must also have several family-friendly facilities, i.e., restaurants, pizzerias, ice cream parlours and playgrounds to entertain both children and adults.
Services and comforts also for the parents, because, as paediatricians say: “When parents are in good form, so are their kids.”

The indication of the evaluation board was that of preferring well-equipped resorts, in which parents can relax, do sport, meet friends, or enjoy an aperitif while the kids are “safe,” busy between playgrounds and ad hoc equipment in total safety.

These characteristics have always identified Cervia as a resort designed for the perfect family-holiday, providing exceptional care for younger guests.

Bambino in spiaggiaThe beaches of Cervia offer plenty of entertainment for children, from play to sports activities, workshops to baby life-guard courses, you will be spoilt for choice with the entertainment activities designed for younger children that continue all summer.

The air of Cervia is balmy and healthy thanks to a large green lung located at the centre of the town, the Pinewood, a haven of tranquillity and safety.

The hotels are the most equipped in Italy. They include child-friendly spaces furnished with toys and mini club services, as well as babysitting to leave parents some leisure time. Special dishes are available, offering alternatives designed specifically for children.

The restaurants are also attentive to children’s needs: everywhere it is possible to ask for child menus.

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