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Certifications and prizes for a sustainable territory

Blue Flag LogoBlue Flag

Cervia waves the 29th Blue Flag. On 14th May Cervia was awarded with the Blue Flag 2024. The award, established in 1987, is now in its 38th edition and was presented in Rome.
Cervia has won the prestigious award for 26 consecutive years (since 1999). The other three Blue Flags were awarded in 1991, 1996 and 1997.

The awarding of the Blue Flag takes place after a rigorous and careful selection process, through the comparative examination of data acquired and processed directly by the Fee-Italy concerning water quality, coast quality, quality of services and safety measures, and environmental education.


Europarc, logo CETS, European Certification of Sustainable Tourism

On 13th January 2021, the Po Delta Biosphere Reserve and the two Po Delta Regional Parks (Veneto and Emilia-Romagna) obtained the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism. Its main objective is the protection of the natural and cultural heritage and the continuous improvement of tourism management in the protected area for the benefit of the environment, the local population, businesses and visitors.

The Charter is an important recognition that EUROPARC (European Association of Protected Areas) awards to those territories that are most committed to reducing tourism-related environmental impacts and pursuing sustainable development. The recognition is awarded through a verification process and has international value. It is therefore not only a commitment to improving sustainable tourism, but also the implementation of concrete actions carried out by public and private entities.


Green FlagGreen Flag: the beach and children

Once again this year, the beaches of Cervia, a paradise for children's holidays, have been awarded the Green Flag, the recognition of Italian and European paediatricians committed to choosing the best beaches and seaside resorts in Italy for families with children.
And the four Cervia resorts of Milano Marittima, Cervia Pinarella and Tagliata were awarded the flag synonymous with 'child-friendly beach' for the 14th year.

To obtain this recognition, special attention is paid to the composition of the sand, which must be fine and must slope gently into the sea, characterised by shallow waters and clear, clean water. In addition, a team of rescuers and lifeguards must always be present on the beach in case of emergencies.
A 'green flag' resort, in addition to the beach, must also have several facilities designed for the family: restaurants, pizzerias, ice cream parlours and playgrounds for the entertainment of children and adults.
So also services and amenities for parents, because, as paediatricians say: "When the parents are well, the children are well too".


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