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Between the pine forest and gardens

Between the pine forest and gardens

Many shades of green colour the area of Cervia. And not

only for the different tones – from emerald to light green,

from musk to forest – of the many species of trees and

shrubs that populate the extraordinary system of pine

forests, parks and gardens that stretch between Milano

Marittima and Tagliata, for a total of more than five million

square metres.

Pinarella, family bike ride - Ph. Simone Manzo

 The pine forest is the ideal destination for lovers of environmental tourism.

  Here you can enjoy a peaceful stroll on foot or by bike along the dense network of trails or follow the nature trails marked by information boards; guided tours are organised during the tourist


 Forest Bathing is the absolute novelty for summer

2022. The invitation is to immerse yourself in nature with all five senses.

 Finally, the greenery, the plants and the flowers are the undisputed stars of “Cervia Città Giardi-no” the outdoor floral art event, which celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2022.



Cervia Experience 2022

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