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Camillone Saltpan

Camillone Saltpan

An ancient saltpan in Cervia

Salt worker in the Camillone Salt panThis is the last of the 144 small saltpans existing before salt production was turned into industrial in 1959. At that time, all small saltpans were unified to form big collection and evaporation basins.


Nowadays, “Camillone” Saltpan is the only small saltpan left and an integral part of Musa - Salt Museum. Salt is still extracted but for demonstration only, that is to make visitors understand the salt workers’ hard work. The site seasonal production can range in between 50,000 and 200,000 kilograms.


During the whole summer season, June to September, guided tours are offered by the Cultural Association “Civiltà Salinara” on Thursdays and Sundays at 5 pm. Visitors are shown the different salt collection phases.


Today as in the past, the whole saltpan production is still handcrafted, using wooden tools and ancient methods. During visits, salt workers show visitors their work and also explain them why Cervia’s salt is known as being “sweet”. As a matter of fact, it does not contain any bitter salts which, thanks to the local climate and to the daily salt collection, do not have a chance to deposit.

Those who would like to experience the thrill of stepping into the shoes of a salt farmer can participate in Salinaro per un giorno (Saltworker for a Day) every Tuesday. You spend an afternoon in the salt mine, side by side with the salt workers, taking part in the activities of processing and transporting salt, learning a little of the ancient art that has enabled the production of white gold for centuries.


In 2004, salt extracted at “Camillone” Saltpan was made a Slow Food product.

Every year at the beginning of September, Cervia relives its past with Sapore di Sale (Salt Festival), a festival that celebrates the precious white gold, with the re-enactment of the historic Rimessa del Sale (Salt Removal).
The salt collected during the summer is transported from the salt pans on board a burchiella, an ancient flat-bottomed boat, and is distributed to those present.
The festival continues with the rediscovery of ancient crafts and flavours linked to the 'white gold', followed by convivial moments, exhibitions and entertainment


Salt harvesting in the Camillone Salt PanFor guided tours to the Camillone Saltpan:

Musa - Salt Museum
Via Nazario Sauro, Cervia
Tel.: 0544 977592 - 338 9507741
Fax: 0544 977592
Car park and meeting point at Cervia Saltpan Visitors Centre, Via Bova 61.


from June to September


Partially accessible for disabled

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