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Dune Theme Path

Milano Marittima pinewood dune pathway

The dunes

They are among the most significant environments in the pine forest, as there are very few examples left.

Although modest in elevation, the dunes contribute to conditions of high biological diversity due to their complex orography.

It generates slopes with different exposures, both in terms of edaphic characteristics, that is the physical and chemical conditions of the soil, in relation to plant development.

This area is drier (xerophytic) and the pine forest merges with the holm forest.

Holm oak (Quercus ilex) forests have a very fragmented distribution along the coastal strip, where they often have a relict character. 

Plant species on the dune

Evergreen species predominate, both in the arboreal state and in the undergrowth. Among shrubs are frequent:

  • Arbutus unedo 
  • Phillyrea latifolia
  • Rhamnus alaternus
  • Pistacia terebinthus
  • Viburnum tinus
  • Erica arborea
  • Asparagus acutifolius

Among the lianas Rubia peregrina, Smilax aspera, Lonicera implexa. The herbaceous layer is generally very poor.
Characterising species include:

  • Asplenium onopteris
  • Cyclamen hederifolium
  • C. repandum
  • Carex distachya 
  • C. halleriana
  • Limodorum abortivum.

Sensory game

Now you are in a particular area with a strongly Mediterranean character:
the proposal is to choose a plant, approach it to smell it and,
without damaging its parts listen to the tactile and olfactory sensations you experience.

Milano Marittima pinewood dune path

Dune environment

Dune ecosystems are the result of wind-driven accumulation processes of sand deposited along the coastline by wave motion.

Called transitional ecosystems, dunes are relatively narrow, dynamic areas of sandy deposits located between the marine and terrestrial systems.

Sensitive to surface erosion, coastal dunes are at risk of suffering soil loss and triggering regressive evolutionary processes.

Dune Path

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