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Massimo Max Massini (died Decembre 1998)

Massimo Max Massini (died Decembre 1998)

As soon as he graduated with maximum marks he was summoned as a doctor to the "Nuova Brigate" which was operating in the area around Ranchio "Pieve di Rivoschio" - Linaro.

His arrival was rather providential as up until that moment the wounded had been treated by the soldiers themselves, using little means and no experience, so he found himself having to cope with two matters: that of a doctor, organizing good medical-surgical assistance and that of a military man who always participated in all combats with great courage and determination.

This is how Cervia remembers Max Massini: first for his work as a doctor, then in the Resistance and finally his constant activity for peace and the renovation of society.

As president of the National Association of Italian Partisans, he always tried to privilege schools and the young generations on whom great hope for the future was placed, at the same time without ever underestimating the problems of the local community and at the same time maintaining the values of antifascism and the Resistance high.

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