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The Watchtowers

An ancient wooden construction, later made of concrete, from which the soldiers controlled the salt pans of Cervia

Garitta in salina

In the past, the Salt Pan of Cervia was characterised by the presence of the watchtowers.
These were observation points from which the Financial Police monitored the salt pans during their shifts.

The watchtowers were built first in wood, then in concrete.
They were placed at about 200 metres from each other and were located around the perimeter of the Salt Pans and in front of the Salt Warehouses.
In 1912, there were 85 soldiers in the Financial Police, each of them working for eight hours.
Having to guard the site 24/7, there were three guards per watchtower.

Nowadays, this control by the Financial Police no longer exists and there are very few watchtowers left.
Recently, two of them were fished out of the Salt Pan canal, having sunk a long time ago. Following restoration, one was donated to the Cervia Financial Police to symbolise the close relationship between salt and the salt pan. The other is exhibited at MUSA, the Salt Museum, which is part of the Museum System of the Province of Ravenna: ideal for those who want to discover the history and salt culture of the city of Cervia.


Places where the watchtowers are located

Today some of them remain:

  • in the Salt Pans (four of them are placed around the Camillone Saltpan)
  • at MUSA, Salt Museum
  • in the courtyard of Casa delle Aie
  • at the entrance to the establishment of the salt pans in Via Salara
  • in the garden of the barracks of Cervia Financial Police

Garitta e sale di Cervia

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