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Bertinoro Tour, by bike to the top balcony of Romagna Region

Bertinoro Tour, by bike to the top balcony of Romagna Region

From Cervia to the Bertinoro hill through the colours of the countryside

Leaving the coast and the spectacular road that crosses the salt pan, you cross the countryside of the hinterland, among the aromas and colours of the orchards.

The turning point is on the Bertinoro hill, a medieval citadel and a symbol of Romagna hospitality. From the upper square a landscape is dominated, the view of which extends to

the whole of the Romagna Riviera.

On the way back, we pass through Cesena, between Malatesta vestiges and the sparkling vivacity of the Romagna town.

Sport Cycling, Bertinoro Tour mappaRoute

  • km : 80 km
  • difference in height: 598 mt
  • bottom: asphalt
  • recommended bikes: road bike, triathlon

Sport Cycling, Bertinoro Tour drop

Bertinoro Tour

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Bertinoro Tour route


Cervia, Pisignano, Cannuzzo, Settecrociari, Bertinoro, Collinello, Cesena, Martorano, Pisignano, Cervia



info e  prenotazioni

Cervia Turismo
Torre San Michele, Via Arnaldo Evangelisti 4
Tel. 0544 916280
Fax. 0544 972911


route accessible on its own


Cervia - Bertinoro - Cesena

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