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From Cervia to Forlimpopoli

From Cervia to Forlimpopoli

From Cervia to Forlimpopoli, through the Romagna countryside

We leave Cervia to immerse ourselves in the Romagna countryside, among sunflower fields, expanses of poppies and wheat fields. A flat path on minor asphalted roads with very little traffic to get to the beautiful town of Forlimpopoli with the medieval fortress of 1300 (which can be visited for free but by reservation) and the historic village.
The town is also famous for its restaurants, being the homeland of Pellegrino Artusi, gastronomist and author of recipe books.


  • length of round trip 70 km
  • difference in height 30 m
  • Recommended bikes: MTB, gravel, E-bike, city bike
  • practicability: all year round

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Cervia - Forlimpopoli, route


From Cervia to Forlimpopoli, sunflower field

info e  prenotazioni

Cervia Turismo
Torre San Michele, Via Arnaldo Evangelisti 4
Tel. 0544 916280
Fax. 0544 972911



route accessible on its own


Cervia - Forlimpopoli

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