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Grandfondo Via del Sale, three different routes

Grandfondo Via del Sale, three different routes

From Cervia to the hills of Cesena and Forlì along beautiful itineraries

The Granfondo Via del Sale is a classic among the Italian granfondo, which since 1997 has attracted cyclists from all Italian regions and from abroad with 3 routes of different lengths and intensities.

The itineraries show the most popular roads and climbs in Romagna and now famous even outside Italy. In particular, the legendary Cima Pantani in Montevecchio, where the champion went almost every day starting from his home in Cesenatico.

Group of uphill cyclists

Even if you do not participate in the race, you can experience the thrill of pedaling on the Granfondo itineraries, with routes suitable for everyone, from the sea to the hills, between climbs and descents, for a fantastic day of sport.

 Granfondo Via del Sale, parcours

Long route

  • km: 152 km
  • difference in height: 2050 mt
  • bottom: asphalt
  • recommended bikes: road bike, triathlon

152 km, 4 climbs, a total altitude difference of 2050 meters. A path dedicated to those who have legs and want to test themselves to the end.

A test that offers a new, challenging, but truly fascinating experience.


Cervia, Montecavallo, Ciola, Montevecchio Cima Pantani, Paderno

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Granfondo Via del Sale long route

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Granfondo Via del Sale long route


Granfondo Via del Sale, medium routeMedium route

  • km: 105 km
  • difference in height: 1090 mt
  • bottom: asphalt
  • Recommended bikes: road bike, triathlon

An agile, fun but also suitable for legs that are not too trained. 105 km of road for an itinerary that promises fantastic landscapes in the Romagna hinterland.


Cervia, Montecavallo, Paderno

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Granfondo Via del Sale medium route

Tracks on Strava

Granfondo Via del Sale medium route

Granfondo Via del Sale, short route

Short route

  • km: 77 km
  • difference in height: 447 mt
  • bottom: asphalt
  • Recommended bikes: road bike, triathlon

An evocative experience that leads to living in one breath, a single climb to engage the legs as required and beautiful views for those who want to enjoy the spring of Romagna with its colors and scents.


Cervia, Polenta

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Granfondo Via del Sale short route

Tracks on Strava

Granfondo Via del Sale short route

Downhill cyclist




Cervia Turismo
Torre San Michele, Via Arnaldo Evangelisti 4
Tel. 0544 916280
Fax. 0544 972911


route accessible on its own


Cervia - Montecavallo - Ciola - Montevecchio Cima Pantani - Paderno

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