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Architectures of a salt city

Architectures of a salt city

Guided tour from the Salt Warehouses to the historic center to discover the history of the factory city

The tour is in italian language

2.1 Magazzini del sale

The salt factory passes through its architecture

Charm, a bit of mystery and legends introduce the dominant theme: the architecture of salt. Why is Cervia shaped like a quadrilateral? How did the salt workers live? How was the salt stowed? Cervia has a thousand secrets and this excursion is an opportunity to discover them all.

From the visit of the historic center to the recently inaugurated Darsena Warehouse.


  • San Michele Tower
  • Salt Storehouses
  • Piazza Pisacane
  • Piazza Garibaldi
  • Darsena del sale



Cervia In - Fondazione per il turismo
0544 972911


Monday 24th June, 15th July, 19th August
2nd September 2024


9.00 pm


St. Michael's Tower

Cervia - Via Arnaldo Evangelisti 4


  • € 12,00 per person
  • free for children up to 10 years old

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