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Open day at the Cervia Vecchia and the Prato della Rosa  excavations

Open day at the Cervia Vecchia and the Prato della Rosa excavations

Free guided tour of the archaeological excavations in Cervia Vecchia and the Prato della Rosa

Open day on the excavations

 In order to offer citizens and interested persons the opportunity to view and explain the activities carried out and the new findings during the excavation campaign, the Municipality of Cervia and the University of Bologna are organising a free guided tour of the archaeological site.

Cervia Archaeology, Open Day on the excavations of old Cervia

Cervia Vecchia excavations

Thursday 27th June 2024

6 p.m.

 Archaeological walk in the Cervia vecchia area, during the open excavations. This is a unique opportunity to experience archaeological site together with the archaeologists following the excavation to offer citizens and interested persons a view and explanation of the activities carried out and the new findings.

The guide will be led by archaeologists from the University of Bologna - Prof. Andrea Augenti, scientific director of the excavation, and Mila Bondi and Marco Cavalazzi, coordinators of the project. The mayor of Cervia Mattia Missiroli will be present.

The investigations began in 2019 with the reconnaissance of part of the municipal territory, leading to the identification of numerous previously unknown sites, highlighting the great potential of the area. In recent years, research has focused on the Cervia Vecchia site, in the centre of the Saline, where a series of exploratory archaeological surveys have been carried out to understand the state of conservation and depth of the archaeological remains and to study the topography of the ancient city. During research in past years, several cemetery areas associated with religious buildings, production areas, dwellings and sections of the canal system within the settlement were identified. In the area of the Prato della Rosa, the remains of a medieval ecclesiastical building were found, although probably with older phases (possibly late antique).

How to participate

Free entrance, no reservation is required

Guided tour in Italian. In case of bad weather, the visit will be postponed to 5 July, 6 p.m.

Prato della Rosa excavations 

Friday 23rd and Wednesday 28th August 2024

5.30 p.m., two shifts

How to participate

Booking required:

Guided tour in Italian

Scavi archeologici effettuati nella Cervia Vecchia


Thursday 27th June

Friday 23rd and Wednesday 28th August 2024


see details on page




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