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Butterflies in pink, ants in black

Butterflies in pink, ants in black

The night flight of butterflies and discovery of ants, a magical moment to be experienced at the Butterfly House in Milano Marittima

Saturday 6th July 2024

Milano Marittima, House of Butterflies

6 p.m.

Have you ever seen a twilight butterfly up close?

Did you know that ant hills can be as tiny or as big as a city?

This appointment becomes an opportunity to watch the flight of crepuscular butterflies, mainly nocturnal insects that are active after sunset together with ants, to discover their secrets and habits,

Event included in the Butterflies House ticket price.



approx. 1 h. 30 min.


This guided tour is in italian language

Milano Marittima, Butterfly House, Butterflies in pink, ants in black


Saturday 6th July 2024


Butterflies house

Milano Marittima - Via Jelenia Gora 6/d


  • Full ticket € 12,00
  • Reduced ticket € 10,00 (children from 1m to 12 years old and over 65)
  • Family € 35,00 (2 adults + 2 paying children)
  • Free entrance (children up to 1m tall and disabled)

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