9 km of WiFi beach network
9 km of beach Wifi
Galileo is the project that allows free connection along 9 km of coastline.
The beaches of Milano Marittima, Cervia, Pinarella and Tagliata offer a total coverage to stay always connected.
Always connected
Milano Marittima, Cervia, Pinarella and Tagliata always put tourists at the centre, even on the beach, with well-equipped and safe establishments.
For a holiday without too many worries, since 2011 Galileo, the wireless service in constant improvement, more and more requested and appreciated, has been active on the entire coast of Cervia.
Thanks to the authentication system and hot-spots installed at the bathing establishments, coverage and access are guaranteed from the shoreline to the seafront and along the entire beach, from Milano Marittima to Tagliata.
Access to the service
Each guest can connect to the Wifi zone with a personalised card and a customisable Captive Portal.
After registration, this authentication system ensures that the accesses of the various guests are recognised, while maintaining the legal requirements to protect privacy
Read more on the web site of Cooperativa Bagnini