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Le Siepi riding center

Le Siepi riding center

Equestrian centre of excellence, where competitions at national and international level are held

Centro ippico Le Siepi, campo in erba


When the gates of the Le Siepi Cervia Riding Centre opened for the first time in July 1974, no one could have imagined what this facility would represent for Italian equestrian sport.

The expectations and aspirations of owner and founder Amedeo Sovera, and later his partner Lalla Novo, were obviously high.

In a short time, the Siepi Cervia became a state-of-the-art facility in terms of organising competitive events.

Here equestrian sport is experienced in all its facets: show jumping mainly, but then also dressage, Arabian horses, ponies.
National and international competitions, Italian and European championships, championships for Italian horses, for young horses and for instructors, selections for national teams in all specialities.

Fields of the Horse Club Le Siepi

  • Sea Field 
  • Derby Field
  • Grass Field
  • Dressage Field


  • Horse boxes
  • sporting events organization
  • structure to hire
  • sport courses
  • bar and self-service restaurant




Via Nullo Baldini 19/B, Milano Marittima
0544 949477
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Tourist Information - #VisitCervia - - +39 0544 974400