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Water skiing

Water skiing

For those who love speed and a touch of adrenaline, but always in safety

Water skiing in the lakes along the Via Romea, Savio di Cervia - Ph. Monika Nebi


You don't need waves and you don't need wind, all you need is a fast-running boat to ski across the water.

Also refreshing and adrenaline-pumping is wakeboarding, an evolution of water skiing that is practised with a snowboard-style board.

Milano Marittima

Nicola Lucchi

Bathing Centre Peperittima n. 304/305

tel. +39 339 7232359

Water skiing in the lakes along the Via Romea, Savio di Cervia - Ph. Monika Nebi

Franco Penso

Bathing Centre n. 297

tel. +39 335 5629944

Fausto Benvenuti

Bathing Centre Papeete n. 281 and Bathing Centre Miami n. 282
tel. +39 339 2219039

Easy Water

Bathing Centre Rouge n.280
tel. 0544 72082 - fax 0544 976488
tel. +39 348 4766826 (Cristian Pesaresi)

Cristian Zanelli

Bathing Centre Albacore n. 271
tel. +39 349 8858321


Water Ski Club

Via Romea Nord, km 169 - Savio di Cervia
tel. 0544 401060
fax 0544 401655
cell. +39 339 2355935 - +39 335 6363014

Water skiing in the lakes along the Via Romea, Savio di Cervia - Ph. Monika Nebi

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