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Musa meets the world of seafaring

Musa meets the world of seafaring

Sail painting workshops at Musa, Salt Museum

Musa, laboratori di pittura delle vele


Painting workshops using typical colours and a guided tour to discover the symbolism of ancient sails.

Organised by the "Circolo dei Pescatori La Pantofla" cultural association.

Programme of meetings

Tuesday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th August


from 2. to 30th August 2022
on Tuesdays


Musa - Salt Museum

Cervia - Magazzino del Sale Torre, Via Nazario Sauro 24


Included in the entrance fee to the Salt Museum

  • Full price €2,00
  • Reduced price €1,00: young people from 13 to 18 years old
  • Free every first Sunday of the month
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Tourist Information - #VisitCervia - - +39 0544 974400