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Photographic exhibition by Luana Viaggi

Aquadulcis - Photographic exhibition by Luana Viaggi

Thursday 5th to Sunday 8th September

Cervia, Salt Warehouses


‘Aquadulcis’ is a photographic project realised in the Cervia salt works in the winter months following the flood of May 2023.

The work does not simply stop at investigating the consequences of the passage of fresh water, the salt pan's lifelong enemy, on the local machinery, but aims to translate into an immediate visual language the relationship that has linked man and nature in this reality for centuries.
The project was carried out during the most difficult months for the salt pan, but to date the resumption of salt activity and the reintroduction of seawater have allowed the local flora to gradually regain their space and the machinery to restart.

On display will be 15 black and white diptychs and 2 large-format colour images, all printed in fine art on cotton paper.

The project won the Festival Fotoincontri in San Felice Sul Panaro on June 2024 and is therefore a finalist in the national competition Portfolio Italia 2024 organised by FIAF (Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche).


Exhibition opening

  • Thursday: 6 p.m. - 11 p.m.
  • Friday: 10 a.m. - 11 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday: 12 p.m. -11 pm

Cervia, Aquadulcis photo exhibition, poster 2024


from Thursday 5th to Sunday 8th September 2024


see details on this page


Torre Salt Warehouse

Cervia - Via Nazario Sauro



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