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Arts Festival, live creations in Piazzale dei Salinari

Arts Festival, live creations in Piazzale dei Salinari

Artistic emotions for all expressions of creativity in Cervia. 23rd edition

Arts Festival

Art tells Music

From Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd June 2024

Cervia, Piazzale dei Salinari

The three-day event dedicated to the visual arts returns to Cervia in the beautiful setting of Piazzale dei salinari, on the Canal Harbour.

Organised by the Cultural Association ‘Il Cerbero’, in collaboration with the Municipality of Cervia and curated by Silvana Costa, the Festival of the Arts creates a magical fairy-tale atmosphere on the stretch of water on which the Magazzino del Sale Darsena is reflected. This evocative place for the occasion is literally occupied in every corner by painters, sculptors, mosaicists, but also cinema, theatre, music, workshops for children shows and readings.

Thanks to the simplicity of the formula that sees the artists create ‘live’, the enthusiasm of those who attend, and the complicity of the early summer heat, the ‘three days’ dedicated to visual arts in the street has become, for tourists and residents alike, one of the most eagerly awaited popular festivals.

More than 50 artists perform painting, sculpting, mosaics and ceramics.

The works created are displayed in the exhibition that takes place every year in October at the Salt Storehouse.

Festival delle arti, Piazzale e Torre


Art tells music is the theme of the summer festival taking place on the Cervia Canal Harbour, a theme that has always held great fascination for artists.

The festival also offers a series of workshops for children to learn painting and drawing.

The artist at the Festival

The artists at the festival who will be tackling this theme are:

Daniela Albani, Margherita Amicucci, Paolo Ancarani, Asia Antonioli, Irene Balducci, Marcella Belletti, Luciana Bellotti, Ornella Berardi, Elena Butmalai, Eliseo Calcinari Ansidei, Barbara Casabianca, Luca Colangelo, Leonardo Cuccoli, Roberta Dallara, Massimo Di Bartolomeo, Letizia di Bartolomeo, Rosanna Emmi, Fausto Ferri, Francesca Forlazzini, Sofia Gioia Galeotti, Paolo Graziani, Frida Guerra, Gabriele Lombardi, Vera Lowen, Paola Maltoni, Sergio Manganelli, Yailen Manresa, Mascia Margotti, Mara Mariotti, Luciano Medri, Marie Menò, Luciana Mussoni, Michela Militano, Cinzia Montanari, Francesco Panetta, Fabrizio Pavolucci, Petronella Ortmann, Serena Pironi, Stefano Pironi, Paolo Placci, Gregorio Prada Castillo, Liliana Quadrelli, Vittoria Ranieri, Marina Ravaioli, Arianna Ricciotti, Monica Righetti, Cinzia Rinaldi, Maria Luisa Romani, Laura Rondinini, Mlenaia Salvi, Raffaella Vaccari, Sara Valenti, Isabella Zanotti e Veronica Zavoli.

 Cervia, Arts Festival 2024

Cervia - Art Festival, workshops

A Festival of the Arts dedicated to the European Music Festival

Every evening a concert accompanies the event

21st to 23rd June, 9 p.m.

Each evening a concert accompanies the event, starting at 9 p.m.

It starts on Friday 21st June with a concert by the Deep Roots Blues Band, a four-piece electric blues band from Romagna with soul and country blues influences, and continues on 22nd June with the Adriatic Dixieland Jazz Band, a band that retraces the traces of Dixieland jazz origins. Sunday 23rd June the Etilisti Noti, a folk singer-songwriter group from Forlì.

 Cervia, Arts Festival live music poster 2024

L'evento è organizzato dall’Associazione Culturale “Il Cerbero”, a cura di Silvana Costa, in collaborazione con il Comune di Cervia.


from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd June 2024


from 9.00 to 11.30 p.m.


Piazzale dei Salinari




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