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The Church Found. The excavations in Prato della Rosa

The Church Found. The excavations in Prato della Rosa

Exhibition of images and texts on excavations and archaeological research at Musa, Salt Museum

Cervia - Archaeological finds at Prato della Rosa

An exhibition dedicated to the archaeological investigations on the territory of the municipality of Cervia, whose initial activity included excavations in the area of Cervia Vecchia.

This year, the fifth research campaign within the framework of the Archaeology in Cervia project, investigations focused on the Prato della Rosa area, thanks to the availability of the owners of the land concerned.

Part of the historiographical tradition places the oldest settlement nucleus, prior to the settlement that developed in Cervia Vecchia, in the Prato della Rosa, at the centre of the salt marsh.
Some scholars even identify it with the elusive Ficocle, the site of an episcope since the beginning of the 6th century AD.

With the exception of two essays carried out in the 1960s, the site was still largely unknown.
During the excavation campaign, the remains of a cathedral dating back to the 5th century came to light.

The archaeological investigation project, which began in 2019, sees the collaboration of the University of Bologna, the Superintendency of Archaeology, the Municipality of Cervia and the Civiltà Salinara Cultural Group.


from 22nd December 2023 to 7th January 2024
every day
from 2.30 to 7.00 pm

from 13th January to 24th March 2024
Saturday, Sunday and holidays
from 2.30 to 7.00 pm

First Sunday of the month free admission


Guided tours of Musa in foreign languages, for groups

Guided tours in English, French and German by appointment for groups of at least 15 people

Guided tours of the exhibition are available in Italian only.



from 22nd December 2023 to 24th March 2024


see details on page


Musa - Salt Museum

Cervia - Magazzino del Sale Torre, Via Nazario Sauro 24


exhibition included in the ticket price
entrance fees to Musa

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