Exhibition Grain Salis
Grano Salis - Margherita Levo Rosenberg
from 29th March to 15th April 2025
Cervia, Magazzino del Sale Torre
The artist Margherita Levo Rosenberg returns to exhibit in the Region after several years and for the first time in Cervia.
The evocative vaults of the Magazzino del Sale Torre, the stone walls from which salt roses still emerge, host an itinerary of her latest works.
With this exhibition - entitled ‘Grano Salis’ - the artist sets out to deposit a new grain of salt in the thickness of the walls of this splendid building.
The exhibition will feature, among others, the installation ‘Pensieri d'acqua e di Fango’ (Thoughts of Water and Mud) made using a flooded projection cloth recovered during the Genoa floods of 1992. The works, use the shape of the ‘rovello’ to trigger reflection and, the polychromy of colours and mud to attract attention.
The proceeds from these works will be donated to the Traversara in Fiore Association to help those affected by the devastating flood in 2024.
Biography of the artist
Born in Ponti in Piemonte.
She graduated in Medicine, specialised in psychiatry and began working in art therapy. She immediately investigated the relationship between art and psychology, working on studies and research into the processes of creativity, the relationship between creativity and personality integration, and the psychotherapeutic applications of artistic language. On these topics, she has spoken at numerous congresses and conferences, collaborating on books and magazines.
Her publications are countless, both in Italian and foreign art magazines and in degree theses and catalogues that have accompanied her numerous national and international exhibitions, in public museum spaces and private galleries, in various parts of the world.
Exhibition opening, Saturday 29th March, 4.30 p.m.
Introduction to the exhibition by Matteo Galbiati. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue with text by Matteo Galbiati Publisher Vanilla Edizioni
Opening hours
- Saturday 29th March to Thursday 15th April 2025
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Thursdays and Public Holidays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Free Entrance
Exhibition curated by l'Immagine Arte of Cesena, curator Maria Grazia Melandri
29th March to 15th April 2025
see details on page
Torre Salt Warehouse
Cervia - Via Nazario Sauro