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Marine Segment

Marine Segment

Contemporary art exhibition in Milano Marittima

Segmenti marini, Giuseppe Bertolino

Marine Segment

from Sunday 21st June to Sunday 15th September 2024

Diffuse art exhibition


From Sunday 21st June, ‘Segmenti Marini’ (Maritime Segments), a contemporary art exhibition spread throughout the Milano Marittima area, returns.

The aim is to promote artists, hotels, and the entire area for the entire summer season until 15th September.

The union between art and tourism, between art and the sea, suggested the idea of the title: each artist manifests his or her creativity and poetry in ‘segments’ of art placed for the occasion in locations very different from classic museum exhibition logics.

‘As the creator and artistic director of Segmenti Marini,’ Giuseppe Bertolino, ‘I have invited several artists, who are exhibiting their most recent works, to three prestigious Milano Marittima venues. The CAVA FOREVER GROUP APS Association, whose objective is to promote contemporary art, has always tried to bring the public closer to the world of art. Which is always difficult, to tell the truth, and so it is directly us artists who go among the people with exhibitions of prestigious works by well-known artists on the national and international art scene.

‘The leitmotif of the exhibition,’ continues Bertolino, ‘is that the artists exhibiting at Segmenti Marini differ in technique, language, materials, and supports, but all use colour in a modern and contemporary key. In the works exhibited in the hotels, there is nothing already seen, nothing already done, the works tell a story, they speak new, innovative languages and at the same time they have the ability to be immediate in conveying emotions, sensations’.

Segmenti marini, Luigi Allegri Nottari 2023Summer 2024

Hotel Villa Arizona

Viale Due Giugno, 135

Personal exhibition by Luigi Allegri Nottari
Born in Cremona, he lives and works in S. Stefano in the Ravenna area.
His exhibition activity began in the early 1960s.

For him, the past is a tangle made up of experiences, risks, abandonments and new departures, a continuous flow rather than a journey in stages.

In short, it does not have the physiognomy of a ‘certain’ body, modified as it is, each time, by the gaze that arrives from the present: and Allegri's eye is in constant movement, driven more by the need to go further than by the desire to consolidate what has been achieved. And yet, not only when looking at his latest works, but also when putting together the scattered pieces of his work, there is a common ‘feeling’.

Segmenti marini, Donato Larotonda 2023Hotel Embassy&Boston

via Anello del Pino, 17

Exhibition by Graziella Giunchedi

The artist's painting is disruptive and has the force of a cry. She depicts impossible images, far removed from everyday life, that can be interior representations.
Refined touches of colour create a scenic effect and tell of his dissent from the prevailing standardisation of the contemporary world.
The artist crosses the boundary between the visible and the invisible, between the inaccessible and the concrete with an absolutely poetic gaze.


Milano Marittima, Marine Segment, Bertolino Giuseppe artwork

Hotel Parco

Viale Due Giugno, 49

Collective Exhibition

Alice Tamburini, Giovanni Fabbri, Salvo Ferrante, Evgenia Kaika, Raffaella Vaccari
Giuseppe Bertolino, Sonia Strukul will be the protagonists of this group exhibition.

Eugenia Kaika is a Greek artist from Athens who exhibits works full of charm and colour reminiscent of places in her homeland. Her canvases recall the Italian metaphysical tradition.

Giuseppe Bertolino, painter, designer, organiser of artistic and cultural events, is born in Castelvetrano in the province of Trapani. His works are light, colour, geometry.
Colour as image, perception, sound, tactile impression, psychological tension, passion and emotion.
Bertolino's art is based on an abstract, silent specularity, which asserts itself as a Byzantine schematisation of the plane that acquires a symbolic va lue, for what it enigmatically affirms and what it hermetically denies.

Alice Tamburini, a graduate of the State Institute of Art in Forlì and a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna has been exhibiting and working throughout the territory for years.

The art of Giovanni Fabbri, an artist born in Meldola, is simple and immediate, and hints a new worlds.Milano Marittima, Marine Segment, Strukul

Salvo Ferrante is an artist from Menfi who lives and works in Milan. His works tell of his Mediterranean character, are rich in colour and carry symbols and signs of his homeland, Sicily, around the world.

Raffaella Vaccari, an artist from Rimini, brings for the first time to Segmenti Marini works with a particular rarefiedness, atmospheres reminiscent of archaeological excavations, endless beaches, wild even.

In her paintings, Sonia Strukul deals with reptiles with brightly skins that become a metaphor for our personal transformations, our need to conform to changing environments and situations, indicating a possible comparison with the spirit of adaptation required by contemporary society.

Event in collaboration with Associazione CAVA FOREVER GROUP APS Forlì, with Artistic Direction by Giuseppe Bertolino, exhibition set-up by Gilberto Valmori



from 21st June to 15th September 2024


Milano Marittima


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