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The ex-votos of the Church of Sant'Antonio in Cervia

The ex-votos of the Church of Sant'Antonio in Cervia

The Museum fo Salt hosts the exhibition of ex-votos from St. Anthony's Church

Cervia, MuSa, St. Anthony's Church ex-voto exhibition

Ex-voto of the Church of Sant'Antonio in Cervia

from Monday 1st July to Tuesday 31th July

Cervia, MuSa, Salt Museum


The exhibition pays homage to St. Anthony's Church and the devotion of salt workers and sailors by displaying the small 'treasure' of ex-voto.

Devotional paintings are objects donated by the faithful as a sign of gratitude for a grace received. In the Christian tradition, ex-votos are common in shrines and churches, expressing devotion and gratitude for miracles or protection received. This practice continues to this day, reflecting a deep spiritual and cultural connection between the faithful and their beliefs.


Inside the church of Sant'Antonio in Cervia is a treasure trove of devotional paintings that not only give thanks to the saints for the graces received, but also offer a glimpse of life over a few centuries.


The votive paintings in St. Anthony's church span three centuries, the oldest dating back to 1748, and the most recent to 1924.

In general, the painted tablets reveal to us the social classes, customs and beliefs of each era: the styles of dress, rustic and urban living environments, the working tools of the various trades, agricultural and pastoral systems, eating habits and gastronomic rituals, medical cures and the frames of liturgical and secular ceremonies. The ex-votos also show means of transport, from carts and gigs, from slow velocipedes to roaring automobiles, revealing the signs of progress.

The devotional works have been catalogued by the Central Institute for Catalogue and Documentation of the Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage, highlighting their value.



daily from 8.30 p.m. to midnight


Exhibition included in the price of the Museum entrance ticket:

  • € 2.00 - Full
  • € 1,00 - Reduced, 13 to 18 years old
  • First Sunday of the month free entrance

The 'Friends of the Church of St. Anthony in Cervia', Don Antonio Maffei, the current Rector of the Church of St. Anthony of Padua in Cervia, and the MUSA Photographic Group, which took the photographs, contributed to the realisation of the exhibition.



from Monday 1st July to Tuesday 31th July 2024


Musa - Salt Museum

Cervia - Magazzino del Sale Torre, Via Nazario Sauro 24


exhibition included in the Museum entrance ticket

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