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The land of the wind, the breath of the palette

The land of the wind, the breath of the palette

Grazia Deledda's novel in Werther Morigi's brush, art exhibition

Grazia Deledda's novel in Werther Morigi's brush.

From Monday 2nd September to Sunday 29th September 2024

Milano Marittima, Werther Morigi's historical studio


Werther Morigi, artworkThe exhibition of paintings linking the writer Grazia Deledda and the painter Werther Morigi continues.

Having concluded the July and August exhibitions, this third exhibition closes the triptych presenting the works that the painter from Cervia by adoption dedicated to the writings of the Sardinian writer.

Two artists who loved the generous Cervia, rich in nature, characters and history. The Bottega d'Arte offers the vision and inspiration of nine paintings, oils and frescoes, inspired by and dedicated to the novel Il Paese del Vento (The Country of the Wind), one of the last and written at the Villa Caravella in Cervia in 1931.

For information, guided tours and illustrative material

tel. +39 329 9264309



from Monday 2nd to Sunday 29th September 2024


Werther Morigi's Showroom

Milano Marittima - Viale Romagna 63

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