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Pink Night in Cervia

Pink Night in Cervia

20th anniversary of the great Riviera festival tinged with pink

Pink Night 2025

Hit's Summer

from 20th to 22 Juin


The Pink Night turns 20 edition.

The 2025 edition with the claim HIT'S SUMMER anticipates for the first time the appointment to the second-to-last weekend in June.

A choral event of the entire Riviera to celebrate Romagna, dance, fun, and music with initiatives, shows, and concerts.

Notte rosa, porto canale

Looking forward to the 2025 programme

find out what happened in the 2024 edition

Freccia giù


Notte Rosa 24, Locandina


 "Freedom" is in fact the keyword around which the Dance Valley of Italy will turn: dance as a way for people to connect, the common denominator of a land - Romagna - that embodies hospitality and welcome.

The festival has as its source of inspiration the traditional dance of Romagna "liscio", candidate to become a UNESCO intangible heritage of humanity. In fact, this year marks the 70th anniversary of Romagna Mia, a pillar song in the history of Italian and Romagna music.

 There will be many performances along the 110 km of coastline throughout Romagna: from the big names of national and international music, to artistic installations, exhibitions, fireworks, shows, and magical scenographies.

Events for everyone - young people, families, sport people, food lovers and culture enthusiasts - while streets, squares, bathing establishments, hotels and monuments are coloured pink for the new year of the Romagna summer.

Cervia, Milano Marittima, Pinarella and Tagliata are also preparing to celebrate this great event.

Take part in the Flash Mob that makes Romagna dance!

Flash mob Pink Night 2024

With choreography by Alessia Molinari of Cruisin'Arts, a large collective flash mob will be held on Saturday 6th July to celebrate Pink Night 2024. There are 11 locations in the area where, under the guidance of expert dancers, you can take part in the flash mob created simultaneously for the Weekend Dance.

In Cervia, the FlashMob is in Piazzale Evangelisti (under the St. Michael Towe - Torre San Michele).

The two dance schools, Accademia 49 and Espressione Danza, are waiting for all participants at 6 p.m. to realise together the FlashMob of Pink Night 2024.

Weekend dance in Cervia

Pink Night 2024, Balamondo, Paolo Belli and Mirko Casadei

Saturday 6th July 2024

Cervia - Piazza Garibaldi
9.30 p.m.

Balamondo...dancing under the stars!

with Paolo Belli and the Big Band


The essence of Romagna's popular tradition, Liscio, is combined with a musical journey through different cultures and musical genres, creating a unique and enthralling fusion. Under the expert guidance of artistic director Mirko Casadei, the festival welcomes its POPular Folk Orchestra, a line-up of exceptional musicians who bring energy and passion to the stage. But that's not all: Balamondo also hosts a selection of nationally and internationally renowned artists, ready to enchant the audience with their extraordinary performances.

In Cervia, Paolo Belli together with Mirko Casadei will perform their respective hits accompanied by the Casadei Orchestra and Big Band.

Seating: admission ticket € 5.00 (plus pre-sale costs on
Ticket office also open during the evening of the concert, in Piazza Garibaldi from 6.30 p.m.
Free admission for standing places.


For info and reservations

tel. + 39 348 9491101

Cervia, Pink Night Country

Friday 5th July 2024

Cervia, San Michele Tower

9.30 p.m.

Pink Night Country in Cervia

Free country dance event with the Wild Angels dance school, together with Arianna and Alby DJ.

For information:
Arianna, tel. +39 338 9092320

The concert is free of charge

Salina sotto le stelle, cielo stellato

Friday 5th July 2024

Cervia, Cervia Saltpan Visitor Centre

9 p.m.

Saltpan under the stars

Under the starry sky, far from the city lights, to observe the constellations in the company of an expert astrophysicist. Suggesting the silence of the Salina at night will be the moon and stars, which can be admired through a telescope, together with stories and readings of themed passages.

The observation site will be reached by electric boat along the canal passing under a small brick bridge where there are no waves and no seasickness.

A paid excursion, binoculars for star and moon observation are included in the ticket price.


For information and reservations

tel. + 39 0544 973040

Aironi Bianchi, Nomadi Tribute Band, ph. Andrea SaviottiFriday 5th July 2024

Pinarella, Piazza della Repubblica

9.00 p.m.

Concert Aironi Bianchi - Nomadi Tribute band

The cover band of the historic Italian band Nomadi opens the July musical programme in Pinarella.

Discover the detailed programme of the July Music show in Pinarella here.

The show is free of charge

Milano Marittima, Butterfly House, Butterflies in pink, ants in black

Saturday 6th July 2024

Milano Marittima, House of Butterflies
6 p.m.

Butterflies in pink ants in black


In this experience you can discover the secrets and habits of crepuscular butterflies and witness their flight together with those of the ants that populate the anthill.

This event is included in the entrance ticket to the Butterfly House.


For information and reservations

tel. +39 0544 995671

Tagliata di Cervia, Le Rimmel in concert

Saturday 6th July 2024

Tagliata, Gemini Park
9 p.m.

Le Rimmel, Rock'n'roll Beat Band in Concert

An all-female band with a 50'/60' look that will liven up the pink night in Tagliata with songs that have made all generations dance and dream.

Discover the entire Taste Riviera programme "Incozzati", where the Cervia mussel becomes the protagonist, for an event of gastronomy, local specialities, music and fun.

 This event is free of charge


from Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd June 2025


Cervia, Milano Marittima, Pinarella, Tagliata
Chiudi menu
Tourist Information - #VisitCervia - - +39 0544 974400