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Salt Festival

Salt Festival

28th edition. Days dedicated to white gold, with the historical recalling of salt delivering to sheds that is "L'Armessa de Sel" in the local dialect.


from Thursday 5th to Sunday 8th September 2024

Sapore di Sale

Sapore di Sale - Salty Taste recalls the past of Cervia with street market stalls, exhibitions, shows, tasting sessions, and meetings.

Although nowadays salt is one of the most common ingredients on our table, in the past it used to be so rare and precious that people used to call it 'white gold' because it was fundamental for the preservation of food.
Therefore it is easy to imagine how Cervia was linked with this product and with its over 800 ha of saltpans.

The purpose of this event is to remember and celebrate Cervia's past and 'dedicate' a celebration to the precious salt, re-enacting the past traditions and proposing various themed attractions: exhibitions, historical re-enactment of the traditional salt delivery, music and performances.

Looking forward to the 2024 programme

you can see below what happened in the 2023 edition

From 31st August to 3rd September 2023

Four days of initiatives starring Cervia's white gold: markets, tastings, workshops, conferences, guided tours and exhibitions

Saturday 2nd September

The climax of the event with the Rimessa del Sale (Salt Removal). A "burchiella" pulled along the banks of the canal transports the precious cargo from the salt pans to the warehouses.

 Some initiatives are chargeable


from Thursday 5th to Sunday 8th September 2024


Salt Warehouse Area

Cervia - Via Nazario Sauro, Piazzale dei Salinari

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Tourist Information - #VisitCervia - - +39 0544 974400