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Romagna Festival

Romagna Festival

Romagna and its territory, art, music, dancing, history, culture and much fun! 11th edition

Cervia, Festival of Romagna 2024Romagna Festival

From 15th to 22th June 2024

Presenting every passions inside Romagna.

This Festival turns into "Romagna showcase" displaying, music, dancing evenings, workshops, handicraft, dancing courses; it is therefore an exhibition of Romagna's creative and artistic abilities.

 Festival della Romagna - spettacolo in Piazza Garibaldi

Saturday 15th June


Salt Warehouse Tower

from 8 p.m

  • Inauguration of Romagna Festival 
    Presentation of the book
    "Sagre in Romagna" by Massimiliano Falerni e Luigi Angelini.
  • I Trapòzal, Songs and music from the of the ‘La Pantofla’ Fishing Association
  • Performance and live music Musicadamare
    Massimo Marchetti e Laura Landi 


San Michele Tower

from 9.30 p.m

  •  The White Truffle Fair
    Proloco Sant’Agata Feltria, 
    meeting and tasting stand


Garibaldi Sqaure

from 9.30 p.m

  • 70 years of the song Romagna Mia with the Orchestra "Gli amici del sole"
    With Chiara Valentini (singer) and Sgabanaza
  • Romagna Award to Riccarda Casadei

Sunday 16th June


San Michele Tower

9 p.m.

  • Stories of Romagna between noble families, Feuds and Seignories
    Meeting with the writer and psychoanalyst Pierluigi Moressa
    Moderator Alessandra Righini


Garibaldi Square

from 9.30 p.m

  • Betty Miranda "Riassunto delle notti precedenti".
    Podcast dedicated to Romagna entertainment with Dj Manfri
    With Elio Pari and Pietro Caruso
  • Romagna Award to Betty Miranda


Salt Warehouse

  • 9 p.m

    Performance by Isabella Marinelli
    Performance by the sculptor of body positivity

  • 9.30 p.m
    Alessandra Righini, art history, leads a guided tour of the Giovanni Marchini exhibition

Monday 17th June


San Michele Tower

9 p.m

  • Pantani and cycling in Romagna. An eternal passion
    Waiting for the Tour de France
    Meeting with Davide Cassani and Pietro Caruso
  • Romagna Award Davide Cassani 
  • Pro Loco of Brisighella, the Oil of Brisighella
    Tasting stand


Garibaldi Square

9 p.m

  • From the Balera to the dancing to the night club. Personalities and anecdotes from the Riviera of bygone days
    with musicians Gastone Guerrini (voice and narration), Eugenio Fantini and Jacopo Valpiani

Tuesday 18th June


San Michele Tower

9 p.m

  • Presentation of the book "Do you speak...Dialet rumagnol?"
    by Magnani Giorgio
  • The Herb Garden, herbal tea tasting
    Pro Loco Casola Valsenio


Salt Warehouses

9.30 p.m.

  • Alessandra Righini, art history, leads a guided tour of the Giovanni Marchini exhibition


Piazzetta Pisacane

9.30 p.m.

  • Meeting Scottish Dance! Reel, jig and ceilidh dance
    Scotland meets Romagna, organised by the Società di Danza Circolo di Romagna APS

Wednesday 19th June


San Michele Tower

9 p.m

  • Presentation of the book "Mangiari dell'Infanzia".
    Introduction by Renato Lombardi, with Graziano Pozzetto and Cesare Brusi
  • Romagna Award to Zanghieri photographic Archive from Cesena

Thuesday 20th June


San Michele Tower

9 p.m

  • Meeting "Quali prospettivo per il 2024 dopo la devastante alluvione 2023" (What prospects for 2024 after the devastating 2023 flood)
    with Renato Lombardi, Giuseppe Pomicetti e Oscar Turroni
  • Romagna Award to Mazzucca Giancarlo


Garibaldi Square

9 .30 p.m

  • Mirko Gramellini Orchestra
    Evening dedicated to the traditional romagna folk music and dance

Friday 21st June


Salt warehouse

6.30 p.m

  • Presentation of the book  "Mani cervello e cuore. Storia del Cantiere Nautico Sartini"
    by Giovanni Sartini with Paola Aloisi


San Michele Tower

9 p.m

  • Presentation of the book "Le stanze dei giardini segreti" by Nevio Casadio
    Moderator Pietro Caruso
  • Romagna Award to Nevio Casadei


Garibaldi Square

9.30 p.m

  • Patrizia Ceccarelli Orchestra
    Evening dedicated to the traditional romagna folk music and dance

Saturday 22nd June


Salt Warehouse 

9 p.m

  • Live music Performance Musicadamare
    by Massimo Marchetti e Laura Landi


San Michele Tower

9 p.m

  • Franco maestro d’arte e di vita...In ricordo di Franco Mescolini
    The story by the actors Barbara Abbondanza and Alessandro Pieri.
    Moderator Pietro Caruso


Garibaldi Square

9.30 p.m

  • A Band Friend of Romagna. Concert by the Banda Città d'Iseo
    in collaboration with the Ravenna and Cervia music bands.
    Guest Mauro Ferrara, the voice of Romagna.
    Evening dedicated to the flood in Romagna 2023.


The Romagna beach festival

from 15th to 22nd June

Free Romagna folk dance lessons on the beach organised by Cervia's Kriterion Dance School.

From 6.30 pm

  • 15th June
    Beach Holiday Milano Marittima
  • 16th June
    Beach Bianchi Pinarella
  • 20th June
    Beach Rocchi Cervia
  • 21st June
    Beach Flores Cervia
  • 22nd June
    Beach 79 Cervia

Exhibitions at the Salt Warehouse

from 16th to 22nd June 2024

from 6 p.m

Opening on Saturday 15th June at 8 p.m.


  • Exhibition The Romagna of the painter Giovanni Marchini (1877-1947)
  • Photographic Exhibition Romagna Mia Secondo Casadei
    organised by Edizioni Sonora
  • Romagna print exhibitions, Romagna and hemp culture
    by della stamperia Pascucci - Gambettola
  • Photographic Exhibition Taken from the Carnival 2024
    by Associazione Gambettola Eventi – Comune di Gambettola
  • Painting exhibition Carnival in a painting…

    works from the national competition organised by the Gambettola Eventi Association

  • Exhibition Storie di confini. Stories of borders. An educational experience on the history of Tuscan Romagna
    Texts by Oscar Bandini Comune di Santa Sofia
  • Exhibition Creative Freedoms by Nicolò Pizzigati, student at the Canova Artistic and Musical Institute in Forlì
  • Retrospective dedicated to the sculptor Tito Neri (1913-2007)
  • Painting, music and poetry by Romagnadamare
    Massimo Marchetti – Laura Landi
  • ExhibitionFree to be di Isabella Marinelli, body positivity sculptor

Cervia - Romagna Festival, music performance

Cervia - Romagna Festival, music performance


from Saturday 15th to Saturday 22nd June 2024


Cervia - Piazza Garibaldi, Torre San Michele, Magazzino del Sale


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Tourist Information - #VisitCervia - - +39 0544 974400