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The sky is full of stars

The sky is full of stars

Fourth appointment in Milano Marittima with the Ravenna Festival. The Trebbo in music

Milano Marittima, Ravenna Festival Trebbo in Musica, Bozzo and Mazzariello - Ph. ph. Angelo Orefice

Wednesday 25th June 2025

Il cielo è pieno di stell - The sky is full of stars - Tribute to Pino Daniele

Fabrizio Bosso & Julian Oliver Mazzariello


‘Il Cielo è Pieno di Stelle’ is Fabrizio Bosso and Julian Oliver Mazzariello's homage to the music of Pino Daniele.

One of the greatest contemporary Italian jazz couples interprets songs from the Neapolitan singer-songwriter's great repertoire.

The repertoire includes the unfailing Napule è (1977) Je so' pazzo (1979), the magic of Quanno chiove (1980); but also the more recent Quando (1992) and the two 1993 gems Allora sì and Sicily.


Fabrizio Bosso trumpet
Julian Oliver Mazzariello piano

Iat-R Cervia

tel. +39 0544 974400

Ravenna Festival

tel. +39 0544 249244


Wednesday 25th June 2025


9.30 p.m.


Stadio dei Pini Arena

Milano Marittima


Numbered single seat € 25.00
Reduced price € 22,00
Under 18 € 5,00

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