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Viva Vittoria in Cervia

Viva Vittoria in Cervia

Coloured squares on Cervia's public beach for an awareness-raising project against violence against women

The opera Viva Vittoria arrives in Cervia

Sunday 6th October 2024

Thousands of knitted squares will cover Cervia's public beach to say NO to violence against women

Cervia - Viva Vittoria, crochet squares

Viva Vittoria is a participatory art project resulting from the collaboration of a group of Cervia women with the voluntary association Viva Vittoria ODV of Brescia.

The aim of the work is to raise awareness against violence against women through the idea that violence can be stopped by starting with the women themselves, from the awareness that everyone can be the author of their own life.

The project involves people from all over the community who are asked to make a 50x50 cm knitted square, by needle or crochet, to be signed with their name.

The collected squares are then stitched by a red thread to create blankets that will be spread along the free beach in Cervia, giving life to the installation.



  • 6.00-08.00 a.m.- Blanket transport with Catena Umana from the Casa del Volontariato (via Villafranca 8, Cervia) to the free beach.
  • 09.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. - Join in, come along, choose your blanket and make an offer to support the fundraising campaign in support of Fattore D - Centro di Creatività Permanente APS-Cervia for projects against violence against women.
  • 11.00 a.m.- Entertainment by Artevento and short readings of short stories by Grazia Deledda.
  • 12.00 a.m.- Greetings from the Authorities.
  • 3.00-4.00 p.m. - Blanket auction with Rumors
  • 4.00 p.m. - Dancing on the sand with Alba Dance Accademy

Viva Vittoria in Cervia, logo

Viva Vittoria in Cervia, logo



Sunday 6th October 2024


Free Beach of Cervia

Cervia - Lungomare Grazia Deledda



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