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5150 Cervia Triathlon Emilia Romagna

5150 Cervia Triathlon Emilia Romagna

An Olympic distance event on the Romagna Coast


Sunday 22nd September 2024

On the weekend dedicated to the world's best-known American triathlon circuit, the Olympic distance triathlon competition returns to Cervia


Cervia - Ironman 5150 start - Ph. Tiziano Ballabio

While waiting for the 2024 programme

you can see below what happened in the 2023 edition


Beside the Ironman race on Saturday 17th September, Sunday 18th, there will be another great sporting event with the 5150 Olympic Triathlon race, which will include 1.5 km of swimming, 40 km of bike and 10 km of running.


5150 Cervia Triathlon Emilia Romagna

Starting point
Cervia's public beach, at 1.30 p.m.

at Cervia beach Fantini Club 182 bathing establishment
Arrival first athletes about 3.30 p.m.

Race courses

The swim course is a single loop, which will start from the wide and central beach of Cervia. As part of ongoing race improvements, this race will feature a rolling swim start. Athletes will line up according to their predicted swim time, and every five seconds, we will send out 10 athletes. It will take approximately 20 minutes to get the entire field across the swim start line.

The bike course, only one loop of 40 km, starts on the promenade of Cervia. The race is a no- drafting race.

The run course of 10 km is 2 laps. The completely flat course reveals some characteristic views of the touristic Cervia.

Interactive map of the Bike route

Interactive map of the Run route


The full interactive map of the race routes is available on the IRONMAN website

At the following link select Interactive map

Complete interactive map of all routes


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Sunday 22nd September 2024


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