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Sport and wellness

Sport and wellness

A festival for the whole town, an opportunity to watch shows and exhibitions by Cervia's sports clubs

Preview 2025

Sports and wellness

from Friday 23rd and Saturday 25th May

Garibaldi Square - Salt Warehouses - Borgo Marina


Cervia - C'è sport e benessere, dance


SPORT is the sports festival held on the Borgo Marina, in the Magazzini del Sale (Salt Warehouses)  and in Piazza Garibaldi (Garibaldi Square) in Cervia: a container of performances, shows, wellness and culture.

TThe event highlights sports to learn more about them and allow everyone to try their hand at them themselves.

There are many opportunities to attend shows and performances by Cervia's sports clubs, true excellences of the area, such as basketball, dance, volleyball, tennis, fencing and athletics.

In addition, there is no shortage of urban sports and water disciplines, from slackline overlooking the canal with tightrope acrobatics, to swimming.

As every year, an entire section of the event is dedicated to WELLNESS. A journey through nutrition, wellness and holistic practices, with workshops, demonstrations and shows to stimulate mind and body.

Sport is aggregation and solidarity, a school of life that helps grow the citizens of tomorrow and contributes to the education of young people through deep values.

Looking forward to the 2025 programme

find out what happened in the 2024 edition

Freccia giù

Locandina Camminata in Rosa 20242024 SIDE EVENTS

Saturday 25th May

Walk in Pink

8 p.m.

Departure under the Tower of St. Michael (Torre San Michele).

Third edition of the Walk in Pink for a solidarity project. Proceeds from the event, in fact, will go toward a solidarity project.

Registration: cost €15. Fee includes free T-shirt and backpack for the first 100 registred.


Information and registration

Info at Tabaccheria Casetti, +39 347 4221054


Cervia Country Free to Dance

9 p.m.

San Michele Tower

Evening dedicated to Country dance by Free to Dance dancing school.

Cervia, c'è sport e benessere, Pedalando con allegria 2024Sunday 26th May

Pedaling with fun

9:30 a.m.

Departure from Garibaldi Square (Piazza Garibaldi)

Discover the beauty of nature while riding your bike. Excursion between the sea and nature.

Registration: Minimum contribution of €5,00


Information and registration

Info at Tabaccheria Casetti, +39 347 4221054

Paride Bertozzi, ph. 3288132866



Cervia - C'è sport e benessere, boats

C'è sport e benessere locandina 2024



from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th May 2025


Salt Warehouse Area

Cervia - Via Nazario Sauro, Piazzale dei Salinari

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Tourist Information - #VisitCervia - - +39 0544 974400