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CSIT World Sports Games

CSIT World Sports Games

In Cervia the CSIT International Championships of sport for all: 5000 participants from all over the world are expected


from 5th to 10th September 2023

The World Amateur Games of some fifteen sports disciplines return to Cervia

CSIT World Sport Games, Italia

Over 5000 participants, including athletes, coaches and accompanying persons, will arrive in Cervia from all over the world to practise sport and sport for all in an atmosphere of fun and friendship.

Cervia was supposed to host the 2021 edition of the Games, which was then cancelled, and also on the Romagna Riviera, between Cervia and Cesenatico, the CSIT world championships in beach soccer, gymnastics and Mamanet were held last June.
The participating athletes are engaged in some fifteen different sports, from basketball to swimming, from football to volleyball, up to emerging and newer sports.

An event of sports culture and participation, it will open with a parade of the delegations, each carrying its own flag.

CSIT World Sport Games, Belgio


from Tuesday 5th to Sunday 10th September 2023




Salt Warehouse Area

Cervia - Via Nazario Sauro, Piazzale dei Salinari

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