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Aquaculture fish

Aquaculture fish

Fish farms have a long history, in fact they date back to 500 BC, this type of breeding was much practised by the Etruscans and the Romans.

Its extraordinary development ensures our markets of a constant supply of fresh, salty, brackish water fish products. We must not forget that lagoon fish breeding for example represents a unique landscape patrimony in Italy and has a fundamental role in the conservation of the ecosystems in humid coastal areas. The procedures for the conservation of fish breed on farms are the same as those of caught fish, therefore you can conserve it in the fridge for up to 2/3 days or put it directly in the freezer. To conserve it at its best you should eliminate the bowels, head, fins and tail, scale it and wash it well.

We consider the following as the main species and the most requested:

  • Eel
    a long, cylinder shaped fish with dark, thick, slimy skin. It has various dimensions and can be found on the sandy beds of lakes and rivers and naturally they are easily breed. The eels from a fish farm have a higher quantity of fat and their meat is more compact. The ones from the valleys have a delicate flavour, while fresh water ones can have a slightly "muddy" taste which can, however, be eliminated by keeping them in clean water for a few days taking care to cover the container in which you keep them as they are quite capable of slipping away.

  • Carp
    a fresh water fish which can be very large and loves to live in stagnant water amidst the vegetation along the shore. There are various types of carp in Italy the most suitable for cooking are the ones with big, shiny scales.

  • Grey mullet
    it is a fast swimmer and distinguishes itself with its ability to adapt to different levels of salinity. It can be breed in fresh, brackish or sea water and may be cooked in the oven, grilled or baked in a paper casing.

  • Gil thead
    it gets its name from a golden band which stretches from one eye to the other; it has a grey back with light-blue, golden streaks and silver sides. Its flavour can vary depending on the type of environment it lived in and what it feed on. The most prized are those from the valley, which are tender and have a delicate flavour, or the ones from ponds which have a decisive taste.

  • Bass
    it has a dark-coloured back, a white abdomen and silver-coloured sides, it has a pointed head and a large mouth. It lives on the water beds and adapts to all types of salinity. The bass coming from the lagoons, valleys and ponds have an excellent flavour which varies according to the level of salinity in the fishing area.

Passages from booklets distributed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Department of commercial policies, General Management for fishing and aquaculture.

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