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Where to sleep

Cervia, an embrace along 9 km of coast with a smile

Cervia, Milano Marittima, Pinarella and Tagliata welcome you with the typical warmth of Romagna.
Hospitality and courtesy are in the DNA of those who live and work in this land. The guest here is at home.
The best cuddles are those you can find in the quality services, smiles and professionalism of our operators.
We put your well-being and safety first.

 Do you want to organise by yourself?


In this section you will find all types of accommodation, search for the proposal that best suits your needs or rely on IAT information offices.
You will have a personalized service, free of charge, information and assistance for your holiday.

Panoramica porto turistico

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Tourist Information - #VisitCervia - - +39 0544 974400