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9 kilometres of fine sandy beaches and safe sea bathing conditions, make Cervia the ideal holiday destination for families and children.

The 190 bathing establishments guarantee top quality service and entertainment.

Sea and waves

San Michele's Tour - Ph. Fabio Panzavolta

Cervia, whose transfer from the saltworks to the present site began in 1698 is today a modern holiday resort which boasts treasures from the past, such as the monumental Salt Storehouse (Magazzini del Sale) and St. Michaels Tower (Torre San Michele).

Every day shows, exhibitions, concerts, and often unusual and special activities, enliven these traditional settings.

La Rotta del Sale 2015 - 400x400

Milano Marittima is the youngest and liveliest district in Cervia: a fashionable place with plenty of designer shops, exclusive beaches and intense night life.

Pinarella and Tagliata are characterised by their long beaches and their pinewood along the beach. Great attention is paid to children by providing services suited to their needs.
Cervia and its districts lie in a privileged position making it an ideal base for excursions to the hills and Ravenna, the home of Byzantine art.

Culture and traditions

Since 2013 Cervia has been hosting the Salt and Sea Ecomuseum, meeting place of landscapes and memories, a place in which the identity of the town is preserved.
The town also hosts an unusual museum: MUSA, the salt Museum.



The environment The pinewood of Milano Marittima

The districts of Cervia are characterised by their abundant green and open spaces and by the Salt Pans (Le Saline): 827 ha of protected nature reserve, part the South Station of the Po Delta Park, which can be visited on foot, by bike or boat.

Wellness and sport 

Cervia Spa, open from May to November, offers a wide range of top quality aesthetic and therapeutic treatments which exploit the important properties of the mud and mother water taken from the salt pans of Cervia.
High quality sports centres are ready to satisfy all demands: the cycle tracks and fitness trails in the green setting of the pinewood make Cervia the ideal destination for an “active holiday”.

Il sale dolce, panira



Wine and dine 

The “sweet” salt of Cervia, a Slow Food presidium since 2004, characterises
local cuisine in a unique way, offering its guests a vast selection of typical fish and meat-based dishes.

Chiudi menu
Tourist Information - #VisitCervia - - +39 0544 974400