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Tourist road train from Pinarella to Cervia

A light-hearted way to take an evening tour of the area, aboard a colourful little train

The little train connects two locations within the municipality of Cervia in a fun way.
It makes a round trip, from the centre of Pinarella to the Torre San Michele in Cervia.

Tourist train Pinarella-Cervia, map and timetable 2024

Train stops

  • Pinarella - Shoppig centre
  • Cervia - Viale De Amicis, Lungomare Deledda (bus stop)
  • Cervia - Lungomare Deledda, Beach Conchiglia (bus stop)
  • Cervia - Torre San Michele

Period of operation

  • from June to 8th September 2024
    full tour 45 minutes

Fares and conditions

return ticket

  • € 6,00 full fare
  • € 4,00 reduced ticket for children up to 4 years old

one way ticket

  • € 4,00 full fare
  • € 3,00 reduced ticket for children up to 4 years old

Tickets can be purchased directly on board the train before departure.

Reserved tour

Possibility of personalized tour, for groups or on the occasion of events

For information and reservations

Nicolas tel. +39 339 1781542
Mattia tel. +39 339 5657647

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Tourist Information - #VisitCervia - - +39 0544 974400